iCandy Scissors Australia Appoints Fraser Forsey as ICANDY SCISSORS ALLSTAR NATIONAL EDUCATOR 2022

iCandy Scissors Australia Appoints Fraser Forsey as ICANDY SCISSORS ALLSTAR NATIONAL EDUCATOR 2022

iCandy Scissors ALL STAR National Educator - Fraser Forsey - QLD Australia 2022


Fraser Forsey Bio Pic2


Fraser Forsey Bio Pic3


Fraser Forsey BarberTemple Bio Pic1 


Fraser Forsey Barber Temple Bio Pic2 

We're very pleased to announce our newest iCandy All Stars 2022 National Educator Fraser Forsey in Queensland Australia joining our Highly Esteemed team of iCandy Scissors Global Educators & Ambassadors. 

Biography: Here's the Word on Fraser Forsey

AMBA’s 2021 Best Men’s Educator award winner, Director of Barber Temple and National Educator for Tommy Gun’s Australia.

Fraser Forsey, has trained in over 150 shops across Australia and was recently titled a National Educator for Andis Australia.

Over his 17 years in the industry, Fraser has developed a unique style of education which demonstrates his love and passion for Barbering and business. Known for his infectious enthusiasm and love for the industry, Fraser will leave you feeling truly inspired.



It's Frasers infectious love for the industry and willingness to share his knowledge through education that we're all looking forward to seeing, along with all of the great work Fraser will continue to show the world created with iCandy Scissors & Hair Tools.

Join us in welcoming Fraser Forsey to the iCandy Scissors Family.

Be sure to check out & follow Fraser


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